"Find Joy in the Journey"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

My kids love Easter! Being away from home doesn't allow for the fun Easter egg hunts, but we try to do stuff that will make it fun for them. Trent had a couple of days off so we got to spend alot of quality family time together. We had plenty of sunshine and took full advantage of it going to the park and playing baseball with the kids. We made Easter egg nest treats, colored eggs, had family movie nights, and went to a traditional Catholic lunch at one of our friend's house. These are huge lunches with many courses, I love Italian food! You could have rolled me home! On Easter the kids woke up to a jelly bean trail leading to their baskets...they were not disappointed! I love seeing their faces light up when then go through their "baskets!" I couldn't find baskets here that weren't already prefilled and wrapped so we used big bowls. Thank heavens my mom sent us a package with Easter candy and the egg die!



Anonymous said...

OH how I love your family!! Can't wait to squeeze on you guys! xxoo

luekenga's said...

ok, I am special, that last comment was from us!! xxoo luekengas