"Find Joy in the Journey"

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Time to be Thankful

I always take a moment on this day every year to blog about how Thankful I am but this year for some reason being Thankful just doesn't seem like enough. I am really and truly so grateful for so many things! Words can't express how full of gratitude my heart really is right now for so many blessings. Just thinking about everything in my life that I am grateful for makes this lump come up in the back of my throat and tears well up in my eyes.
I first and foremost and Thankful for my husband Trent- he is my world literally! He brings so much to my life and makes me a better person. He has seen me through the good and bad, and has always found a way to help me. He is truly my best friend! He works so hard to provide for our family and sacrifices so much. He always takes time for the little things, especially with the kids. He is everything I ever dreamed of!
I am so Thankful for two of the best kids in the world! I love that they are "bestest friends" and get along so good! Jace brings so much laughter into our home and can cheer me up or make me laugh on point! He is such a kind and caring older brother, always looking out for Amari and helping her with anything. He poors everything he has into what he loves, and is very passionate about things that are important to him. Amari is such a cute, bubbly, and fun girl! I love that I have a little shopping partner, and I also love how much she loves to go get pedicures with me! I hope that never changes! She has a very tender heart, but at the same time can be fiesty as crap! I love how she has brought a softer side to our family and how she shows each and every one of us love everyday!
I am Thankful for the gospel and what it brings to my life. I love that I have that rock in my world that no matter where we go or where we live we can find the church. I love that I have the scriptures and am Thankful for the quiet time in the morning that I can read and feel of the spirit. I am so grateful for the blessing it is in our life to have the gospel!
I am Thankful for great family and friends. Even though we are so far away most of the year, they love us unconditionally! They are always there for us and have given us many happy memories! They have taught us many things and been great examples of qualities that I always am trying to be better at in my own life.
I am so Thankful for so many things, but just wanted to touch on a few that are very near to my heart today. I hope this Thanksgiving day you have a chance to reflect on your own blessings, and am hoping that this day finds you with plenty of reasons to give THANKS!

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