"Find Joy in the Journey"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Toothfairy Notes

Amari pulled out another tooth! She said she was going to write a note and ask the toothfairy how she can fly? Trent explained to her that the toothfairy doesn't have time to answer notes because she has so many kids to visit, and she was too small to even hold up a pencil anyway. When we went to tuck her in bed there was a note next to her bed for the toothfairy with a tiny pencil that she had sharpened down to the nub so that it was small enough for the toothfairy to hold! Too Cute! And of course the Toothfairy left her a reply!

1 comment:

3lilgirls said...

That is sooo adorable! I love the tiny pencil. What a sweet heart!