"Find Joy in the Journey"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

V-day Fun

Living overseas has created a different kind of Valentines day for us. We celebrate the love of each other and take a day or two to recognize each other and give extra love and service. This year we made Valentines cupcakes with the kids. We all made each member of the family handmade Valentines cards and did something special for them. We gave the kids special presents that they loved! Jace had a basketball game, then we went out to a nice dinner. It isn't the same as going to class parties and having v-day cards from classmates, but it is still something special for us. We are together with the ones we love!


Julie said...

cute! It's fun to make holidays special over here. . . the challenge is both annoying and fun! ha ha ha xxx

Ash said...

Darling pictures!! Happy V-Day!! It looks like you had a wonderful day. We miss and love you guys.